Saturday, December 10, 2011

Save the Canyons!

    Some of Utah's most pristine backcountry areas are currently under attack from mindless corporate ski area expansions. Taliskier, the company who owns The Canyons, has recently proposed a gondola connecting The Canyons and Solitude. They claim that this gondola will somehow reduce traffic between Park City and Big Cottonwood Canyon, and will increase tourism at both ski areas. First of all, how will this reduce traffic between the canyons? I don't think the amount of people regularly commuting from Park City to Solitude is substantial enough to justify building a lift between the two resorts. Also, those attempting to reach The Canyons from Solitude would still have to drive up Big Cottonwood Canyon to reach the gondola. Additionally, somebody trying to use the gondola to ski Solitude would have to buy 2 lift tickets because they would have to ride 4 lifts at The Canyons to even get to the gondola. It would be very costly and time consuming. But the idiocy of the gondola is not even the worst part about it, 

"The land sale is an attempt to make an end run around the public approval process (NEPA) that is typically required when ski areas expand their operating areas into Forest Service land. The proposed tram would bisect public land, disrupting primitive backcountry area. The area surrounding the tram, while not in-bounds to the ski area, would effectively become such, as skiers could ski in that terrain and then ride the lift back to the resort. 94% of the public surveyed is opposed to ski resort expansion in Utah's Wasatch mountains. Selling public land to private developers would circumvent the normal environmental impact reviews and is in direct contradiction with the desires of the majority of backcountry users and the public at large..."
-Mark Albrecht 
    So now we have a resort expansion that invades into the backcountry without requiring the usual environmental impact reviews. I see two problems with this. Firstly, this proposal would enable Taliskier to place lift towers and use building practices in ways that are not environmentally reviewed in a pristine and vibrant alpine area. Secondly, this expansion would represent an intrusion into several popular backcountry skiing areas between The Canyons and Solitude. These areas currently require backcountry skiers to hike out  of the bowls when they are finished skiing. The skiers currently entering these areas must have significant knowledge of backcountry and avalanche safety procedures. The Taliskier gondola would allow skiers to enter these backcountry areas and then ride the lift back to The Canyons. We will see an increased number of skiers entering these backcountry areas, but they will be unlike the current people skiing them. The Taliskier gondola will enable inexperienced, unprepared, unequipped, and uninformed 'weekend warrior' type skiers to ride the pristine backcountry bowls without the consequence of the hike out. The Wasatch backcountry is one of the most dangerous and volatile avalanche zones in the country, and allowing "Larry the orthodontist from Vermont" to enter it unprepared will inevitably end badly. After the first few deaths in the sector, Taliskier will surely use the public outcry as an excuse for resort expansion into the area.
     What can you do about this atrocity? First, visit to learn more about the Taliskier gondola and other threats to the Wasatch Front, including Snowbird's rollercoaster on Mt. Superior and the rumor that Alta is placing a lift in Grizzly Gulch which would effectively destroy the world famous Chad's and Pyramid Gap. Second, sign the petition linked to at the bottom of this post. Finally, contact your local congressional representatives and let them know why you oppose these corporate expansions into our beautiful Wasatch backcountry. Together we can stop unnecessary resort expansion, and preserve the Wasatch Front as a wild playground for our children in years to come.

Utah's congressional representation:

Congressman Rob Bishop (call if you are not in his district as he will not accept your email)
(202) 225-0453

Congressman Jason Chaffetz (call if you are not in his district as he will not accept your email)
(202) 225-7751

Senator Orrin Hatch
(202) 224-5251

Senator Mike Lee
(202) 224-5444

Congressman Jim Matheson (Encourage him to actively fight this proposal that sells off lands in his district)
(202) 225-3011

Petition to stop ski resort expansion:

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sad Day

30 days had Movember,
Now we move into December,
No awareness for the prostate,
Facial hair enables BOSS STATE.

Adios Moustache Movember. Don't Shave December, anybody?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Back Again

We back again.

Monday, November 14, 2011

SL,UT Lovin'

Video Blog numero uno for the season which starts Saturday so keep yourself updated. Check back daily.

"People tell me slow my roll.. im screamin out.. F*CK THAT!!"
-Kid Cudi

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jamie Pierre 1981 - 2011

On November 12, 2011 Jamie Pierre was killed in Little Cottonwood Canyon, just below Snowbird. Jamie was a professional skier who held the world record for biggest cliff drop at 255 feet. He was also a frequent Snowbird skier who loved to send it huge every time and lived every day like it was his last. I personally met him a few times and he was always the nicest, most knowledgeable guy on the mountain.
This should be a bit of a pre-season wake up call for every one as well. Stay safe, start small, and always know your limits.
R.I.P. Jamie, this seasons for you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Free Stuff?

Want to know how to win one of our Official Snap-Backs? Well here's what you need to do
-Like us on Facebook HERE
-Share this post on your wall by pressing HERE then going to the post that has this picture and clicking the share button

Now your entered. Tell your peeps. The more people the more prizes well add.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tis the Season

MW3 and Blue slide park released on the same day. Looks like Christmas came early this year boys.

"I ain't got S#!T to do tomorrow be up all night"... Playing MW#

Monday, November 7, 2011

PAA 2011

People are Awesome

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Year of Gnar

Alta, Utah
November 6, 2011
U jelly?

       Today is a very special day in the history of moGNARchy. 365 days ago, a website was born. This was not just your average run of the mill Stephen Glansberg website. This was, the steeziest, gnarliest, most clutch action sports blog the Salt Lake Valley had ever seen. Behind it, a crew of the most bombskees riders to grace the Wasatch Front in several months. The last year has seen moGNARchy rise through the ranks of action sports crews to become one of the most sought after and well respected groups in the game (not). We've had our ups and our downs. Our fights and our make-ups. We've endured injuries, broken gear, police encounters, Howa's grammar, and shit talking. Lots and lots of shit talking. But here we are, a year later, still on the grind. It's a new season, and we have new gear, new tricks, and this here shiny new site design. But we're still the same crew and you can expect the same hilarity, the same shenanigans, and the same awesome attitude from us. We really appreciate the support from you guys (I know you're out there somewhere), and you can expect great things from moGNARchy this year. Keep checking up on us and we'll keep thinking of dumb, dangerous stuff to do to try and entertain you. And remember: Think positive and test negative. We'll see you out there!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

All Alone

That's ok guys, go ahead and leave town for the 3 day weekend. I have a GoPro now so I basically don't need you anymore.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Welcome.... SNOW

Let it be known that today, Oct 7th, is the first day of the winter season for us folks in Utah for it snowed on this fine day. We're more stoked on this season than we ever have been before. This may be the last full season all of us ride together. So with that said we've made some gear (including 3 GoPros), better editing software, and updated steez. Keep checking back, we promise it'll be worth it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Sorry fellas for the delay, lots of stuff going down right now which is slowing our posting down, such as: school, website rebuild, and so much footage its taking awhile to get through it all. We wont be done here though, as of now were compiling the entire summer  into a movie,,,But without further a due
Summer of sunsets: THE PREVIEW

Monday, July 25, 2011

Mac Berg ladies and gentlemen

Today mac got a gold medal at the guthrie skate competition hosted my milo and skullcandy...
This is his winnings

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Yep, we're back at it again. More summer fun:


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Another Mini Skate Edit

After having some troubles with our memory card and, unfortunately, the better footage we captured, I decided to throw together this little edit of mostly throwaway clips just to clear up some space for new footage. It features myself, Adam, Dustin, and a few other Draper locals. All this footage was from the first half of the summer and spans the Draper skatepark and Daybreak, UT.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

moGNARchy mixtape

"My mamma told me to tell you..."
-Kevin Hart
Well the Edit says it all just watch and enjoy. Subscribe to our YouTube channel too!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summertime Teaser

Hello everybody, here's a little something I put together today. It's just a shorty but think of it as a preview of things to come for the rest of the summer.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

lil' bit o' this and a lil' bit o' that

"Put out good vibes and the universe will respond in kind"
Our week is pretty much explained in our new edit so go a head and check that out. Along with the new edit we are starting something new by publishing a playlist with every new post so to listen to that go ahead and press the play button at the bottom left hand side of the screen. 
                                                                 The crew love you
                                                                       sincerly moGNARchy

Ive Got your Number


Friday, June 17, 2011

moGNARchy Life

                PLANKING:The lying down game (also known as planking, or face downs) is an activity, popular in various parts of the world, consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides of the body, and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game

Here's a picture of our friend Josh planking. We still have no idea what the point is, but everyone seems to think it's the shit. He sure knows how to rock a snapback though!

Today looked a little like this...

And this:
Hey guys I can skate!

Then this:

and then a little bit of this:

Thursday, June 9, 2011


add to cart
Wanna look fresh with some moGNARchy gear well check out the gear page its been updated and items have been added... With the dopest item being out New Era Snapback and some other cool items are our men and women's board shorts. Just click the navigation bar link that says gear to check it out.

Whats NEW?
Well we have added a music bar to our page to play some of our favorite songs from all types of artists and genres. Updated the gear page. And we now have a mobile website so if you have a smart phone here is the barcode you can scan. Or here's the link

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's Summer Biotch

Even though its June 1st and we're out of school, the mountains are still packed with snow. This summer has a very good potential to be kick ass. For one we'll be able to ski and board till July. Kid Cudi is coming out with a new mix tape which will probably be pretty dope. Hes also droppin by the big SLC to do a show for us fans here. Mac Miller is coming out with a new album. And of course your favorite group moGNARchy is gonna be throwin down some super sick skating edits and hopefully some funny lifestyle edits...And the much anticipated moGNARchy snapbacks are in production. Lots of love from the crew,

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Up coming stuff and something funny to laugh at

Have you ever wanted to be part of a flash mob? Well, heres your chance! June 4th utah is gonna show what theve got at the Gateway mall. Everyone should come here check it out... Its on facebook my friends, heres the link again

Dont know what a flash mob is? Heres a pretty sick example

Dont worry though theres no routine.
More Info
Flash rave be ready to get down and dirty in front of strangers.
No shy people allowed gotta be committed.

MEET: at 3 BEGINS at 3:15

Attire: Bright, eye-popping clothes or any ideas will be awesome

And heres a little something we did to this dude, just sit back, watch, and have a nice laugh

Monday, May 2, 2011

Spring Update

We've all been busy with the tail-end of the school year, job applications, AP exams, and just pure laziness in general. But the Spring Update is finally here and includes footage from spring break and Goomba Day. Snowbird still has snow aplenty and you can count on a few more edits before the season ends.

Oh and if your wondering this year snowbird has had the most snow ever recorded and the crew and I are just stoked to be part of it.

711" no big deal. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter

It was on this day, roughly two thousand years ago, that a magical wizard carpenter was nailed to a tree by some romans, and then came back to haunt a bunch of jews. This of course, is why we decorate eggs.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Crew's quotes

"No Mac, you're not going to get a ferret."
"Why not! It's like a slinky with a heartbeat!"

"Secrets secrets are no fun, I will stab you in the f***ing throat."

"Stick with beer, I'm in the clear, beer and liquor, I plaster the walls in vomit."

Monday, April 4, 2011

Goomba day

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who came up for goomba day. It was a ton of fun, despite many of us feeling the consequences of not using sunscreen.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Representing Real Talent

My buddy, Jayce, is a respectable DJ who is going to achieve fame. He requires assistance in getting his first gig, so I was hoping you kind people would help him...

Here's how:
Hey post this on your facebook wall trying to get a friend a gig for emf :) VOTE FOR JAYCE !
1. Like Ki Events
2. Go to the DJ contest album.
3. Like the photo that says "Jaycelife"

utah's hottest event company!
Page: ‎5,166 people like this.

Tell All your friends and if you wanna know what he can do heres a few of his works

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Getting ready for summer

More and more concrete has been surfacing through the snow and rain. Actually, the weather has been rather pleasant. So pleasant, in fact, that I felt it's about time to dust off the ol' skateboard and film some edits. This summer, the skateboarding aspect of moGNARchy should be in full effect and there will be tons of filming around SLC and local skateparks. Keep an eye out.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Best Day Ever

Best Day Ever, Mac Miller's new mixtape, dropped last night at 10:15. He does not disappoint as the illest white rapper out there today. Check it out at Most Dope!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Finally BACK

First day back and he still has it. Well keep checking in edit coming soon.

~Fun facts~
15" in the past day
snow totals 151" base and 429" total 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Redemption Time

Hey there boys and girls, Andy here and let me just tell you that right now I am more stoked than a 12 year old virgin in Justin Bieber's bedroom. Why you may ask? Because it's the beginning of the season. For me that is. See, I've been out for the last 6 weeks on what many of you may have come to know as the gnarliest collarbone break in moGNARchy history.

Yeah that hurt a little.

But hey, at least I got a sexy sexy scar out of it, right?

That's right, feast your eyes ladies.

But thwarted 540's and titanium bones notwithstanding, I have an appointment with Dr. Metcalf at the beginning of next week which should count as my Official Approval Stamp of Glory to return to skiing. So yes, to me this will mark the beginning of Winter 2010/2011 take 2, and believe me I will be throwing down harder than ever before I promise you that. Those preseason jitters that everybody has the first few weeks of November? Story of my life. What's the first thing I'm gonna do when I make it back to PC? Throw a nice, slow, steezy 5 off that first jump in Pick's and bang the crap out of it. Sweet sweet redemption. So anyways, I'll see everyone out there in the beautiful Wasatch mountains. Come say hi if you see me (I look like a giant redbull can on skis) and we'll shred together.

Oh and by the way, here's a little something for all the kiddies out there.

Be stoked.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011


       Hunter qualified for the Sprint U.S. Snowboarding Grand Prix at the Canyons resort today. He came out good but fell shortly into it. To bad but give the kid mad props he was going up against the best in the sport from names like Seth WescottJonathan CheeverShaun Palmer JJ Tomlinson, and Nate Holland. Watchout for huntsman hes goin big.

o and if you want to watch the rest heres the channels:

February 19: 2:00pm EST on NBC Sports
February 19: 4:00pm EST on Versus

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dear Snowboarding Gods

                In just a few short days our dear friend Hunter Wilson will be shredding your Gnar. We ask to please grant him a safe journey from each 65'+ jump. Please allow him to finish with a low enough time to qualify for the GRAND PRIX

And to all our followers stop and take a minute to ask in your own way for hunter to kick some ass Friday at the Canyons. Well keep you updated as soon as we know and if he does qualify everyone should come up and cheer him on!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Mad props to moGNARchy rider Hunter Wilson for his recent competition results in the USA Snowboard Association's 2011 boardercross tour. Last week Huntsman took 1st place (that's right) at the stop in Wolf Mountain, Utah and then on February 3rd he took 2nd place in Sun Valley, Idaho. Hunter's currently away competing at Kirkwood, California, so send him some good vibes and be looking for him in the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Get after it Huntsman!

The leer of a champion

Friday, February 4, 2011

moGNARchy prayer

Here I am again... sitting in a debate tournament getting ready to verbally maul someone. In the back of my mind, all I can think is, why am I not boarding? Well... figured I'd put up another prayer while I'm waiting.

Now I lay me down to bed,
I pray tomorrow there's pow to shred;
and if I die before I rise,
I pray in heaven there's snowy skies

Here's a picture of a puppy and a kitten, in case you're feeling blue

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Mac and Adam hit up Nighton on January 26th for some evening shredding.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our Gear Page

The store front is now open... we'll be expanding the items soon. Please leave some comments telling us what you would like to see! Or email us! Now go check it out.... GEAR
Mix a little steeze with a few good ideas and  the result is probably wanting some moGNARchy apparel. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Karma is a Bitch

Recently, the crew's being picked off one-by-one by a bitch known as Karma..

Night Sesh Karma for Andy
{Broke his collar bone wondering when he was finally going to get hurt skiing}
"I was coming in switch to this step down after landing a nice and Steezy 5 but I had to scrub some speed or I'd overshoot and right when I started scrubbing I hit some patch ice and went down hard on my left shoulder"

Out 6-8 weeks
"Hey everybody just thought i'd let you know that broken collarbones are the new thing all the cool kids will be rocking them come monday."

 The family is always throwing random shit talking around and its finally caught up to a few of us. Adam is out because he stubbed his toe :(

{He called Gus no toes...-------->
   what he gets}
Out 3-4 weeks

Sunday, January 2, 2011

moGNARchristmas Break

Here I sit, watching as the last 30 mins of my Christmas break waste away. In 8.5 hours I'll be sitting in a low lit classroom being yelled at by a caffeine fueled teacher surrounded by kids who desperately wish it was December 18th. Yep, Christmas break 2010 has come and gone. But hey, we had some good times while it lasted. Now let's see if we can make it to Easter break without any major injuries or psychological breakdowns.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Red Bull No Limits

Well it was canceled because Levi was injured but this was still pretty cool.