Monday, January 30, 2012


Messing around with Photoshop.






Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Years

Here's a fun edit Mac put together for your viewing pleasure. He edited this thing legitimately 3 weeks ago but the steez from Hank's afterbang caused it to take this long to render.

Entry, please:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

SIP Sarah Burke

Utah's ski community suffered another terrible loss this morning with the news of Canadian halfpipe skier Sarah Burke's death at the University of Utah Hospital. Sarah had suffered a devastating crash on January 10th at the bottom of Park City's 22' Eagle Superpipe. According to her publicist, Sarah died of a lack of oxygen to the brain due to a severed vertebral artery she sustained during the crash. Sarah was a staple in the women's halfpipe community and an inspiration for female skiers everywhere. SIP Sarah, you will be sorely missed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bodily Harm Pt. III

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Nighttime at PC

With the ending of an untimely school week, the crew loaded up and headed out to PC on Friday. After surviving numerous near-death collisions at the hands of Hank thechauffeur, seeing a splattered moose-beast, and making a few enemies; we finally arrived in one piece at the mountain.
Monster Energy and Ibuprofen coursed through our veins and quelled the Cliff-Bar feast that lied in our stomachs... the perfect fuel for some riding and, for me, filming. By the timewe were on our first chair, the sun had sunk below the mountains and the bad moon was rising.
The lighting was low, but it made for some pretty cool night shots.
And finally, the hands of a very cold filmer.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Adam's Bad Day

A park as bombskees as Three Kings requires regular blood sacrifices. Everyone who wishes to call themselves a local must in turn make their offering. Today, the Kings smiled upon Adam Schmidt and he honored them in the only way we know how: by metaphorically 'consuming excrement.' On the drive home from that fabled mountain, Adam noticed an unusually large protuberance on his weenis. Further examination revealed this little beauty:

Adam then noticed a throbbing sensation in his knee:

After removing his unitard, Adam beheld the most glorious sight yet seen in 2012; The Kings had blessed him with an extra kneecap.

I used to be a snowboarder like you. Then I took a rail in the knee.
Do not be horrified at these images. Everyone must make the sacrifice eventually. These are not injuries, but areas in which the Kings themselves have touched Adam and bestowed upon him their divine graces. Welcome to PC dude!