A park as bombskees as Three Kings requires regular blood sacrifices. Everyone who wishes to call themselves a local must in turn make their offering. Today, the Kings smiled upon Adam Schmidt and he honored them in the only way we know how: by metaphorically 'consuming excrement.' On the drive home from that fabled mountain, Adam noticed an unusually large protuberance on his weenis. Further examination revealed this little beauty:
Adam then noticed a throbbing sensation in his knee:
After removing his unitard, Adam beheld the most glorious sight yet seen in 2012; The Kings had blessed him with an extra kneecap.
I used to be a snowboarder like you. Then I took a rail in the knee. |
Do not be horrified at these images. Everyone must make the sacrifice eventually. These are not injuries, but areas in which the Kings themselves have touched Adam and bestowed upon him their divine graces. Welcome to PC dude!